Sunday, December 25, 2011


Tony bought me a tripod for my camera on my Birthday in September and we hadn't used it till last night! It was so awesome that I decided to set it up and record our entire Christmas morning together. We got up, got ready for church, got the turkey going, had some breakfast and then I set it up ! Here's the tree ...........

Testing, one two three! ..............

YAY, it works! lol So here we go .......

My dear sweet husband got me a laptop! I'm pretending to act surprised because he got it for me on the 10th of December and I helped pick it out! lol And he got socks??? Whoopee!

Thank you sweetie! I LOVE IT! BUT I LOVE YOU MORE!

He gave me three new movies I wanted too and I gave him a new tool and a car wash gift card for his new pick up truck!

Just what we need ...... a box of cookies!! lol

It was a lovely Christmas, we enjoyed getting up late and relaxing before church.

One more for the road! lol
We had a beautiful one hour Sacrament Meeting celebrating the birth of our Savior through song and a couple of talks and one story! It was a really nice meeting. Tony was the narrator in the Choir's Cantata (which we both sang in as well)
After church we went home and got things ready for our Family Dinner which would be at 4PM.
We had scheduled the church for the party and it was nice to be able to all sit together at tables and the little ones all ran and played with some of their new toys!

Deedra with baby Lehi and his parents, Krista and Colby! Michelle in the background!

Isabel, me, Traci, Tammy and Deedra, Tony and Andrew (I mean Captain America) in the front!

I had the tripod all set up and then got so busy eating, I forgot to take a picture till we were all done!! lol (I lose all sense of reality when food is involved! lol) Anyway, I got a lot of us in this shot. Most of the kids had taken off to play. There were 28 of us and we had 3 visitors (friends of Deedra's and a friend of Callie's) drop in to say hi. It was fun!

After eating and visiting, Traci and the family went home to Kuna to have a dance contest with Sophia's new
Wi DANCE. Tony and I took our leftovers home and cleaned up the kitchen and then went to Stillman's to play games for a bit. Some were watching a Christmas movie .....

And some played games ..........

And some played more games! lol This is Jayden showing me his Angry Birds blanket! So cute!
It was a fun day.
One more day off and then back to the Ole Grind! Monday, Tony and I are going to get me a Laptop computer bag and he gets some ramps for his Pickup!
MORE WEEKEND TO COME ...................... UNTIL THEN ............... SEE YA AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

Ah, your pictures of you guys by your tree are so cute! I'd love to get a tripod too. Maybe some day.