Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today was filled with lots of fun and I accomplished a lot! I got up at 7:45 and headed to Traci's to learn how to make some Disney scrapbooks. I was at her house till noon and I got a good start on ONE ! I'm making 4 of them for Scott and Jill's kids and Traci and her girls made theirs. They are ADORABLE if I do say so myself!!

I'm far from done but you'll get the idea ......

I need a 6 for this page but I'll add it soon................

Cute huh? Can't wait to finish!
I've got a lot to do but I was happy to learn how to do these.
I left her house at noon and hurried home to clean up and then Tony and I picked up Mom and Dad Norton and we went to see the new Sherlock Holmes!

It was good and Tony and I enjoyed it but we knew Dad wouldn't like it .........
AND HE DIDN'T ...... No big surprise!!
After the movie we did a little shopping for some things we needed for Italian Soda's and then we went to the OUTBACK for dinner. Bob and Joyce met us at the restaurant and we had a nice dinner together. After dinner, Bob and Joyce took Art and Lynn home and Tony and I went again to the store to get one more thing for the soda's that we were not able to get earlier. While out, Tony bought me the car of my dreams!!! I couldn't believe it !!!!
I have been wanting a Mini Cooper for EVER!! I love that little car and we found a deal we couldn't pass up!! I was so excited to get back to Art and Lynn's to show them!!
CHECK THIS OUT ......................
I finally got the MINI COOPER I've been wishing for!!
Pretty dang cute huh?? Not the color I would have selected BUT we couldn't pass up the price!! LOL !

After all the excitement of my NEW CAR, we settled into a few rousing games of UNO and MEXICAN TRAIN!!

Real rousing huh? We all look like we are about to pass out!! lol

SO it was time to break out the ITALIAN SODA'S!! That got the party started! lol

Good times!! We actually didn't stay up long enough to bring in the NEW YEAR..... we are all old and we left around 11PM to go home and hit the sack!

Our Home Teachers had dropped off a package while we were out and about! A bottle of SPARKLING GRAPE JUICE, 2 glasses and some noise makers ...................
so we brought in the New Year in style! There was nothing in the cup but you get the picture!!

Now it's that time of year again to make resolutions and all I can say is :
I hope you see less of me next year!! lol

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2012 be better than the last!


Unknown said...

What fun! :) Happy New Year!!! :)

Curtis and Deedra said...

Glad you had fun! And yes, those books are really cute! Happy New Year!