Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Remember all the heating and cooling problems we've endured over the past in our tacky little office ? Well, no more!! Nancy and I took it upon ourselves to change things up a bit. We use to be together on the side of the building which was called the
"SUN ROOM" ...... It was exactly that! Too hot in the summer (especially when the air conditioner went on the fritz) and too cold in the winter (and yes ...... the heater went out his winter too!) After a horrendous heating bill, the owner had someone come in and remedy the problem, however it is still cool sitting by the windows because they are so old and outdated so we moved all the testing to the SUN ROOM and we took over the two offices on the side of the building that is carpeted and toasty warm!

It looks sooooooo much better and more professional!
This is the SUN ROOM where we use to be .......
It is now the testing area!!

Such an improvement!!

And this is the old testing room and it is MY office now!

It's carpeted and private and I'm loving it!

It was very bright when I took these pictures in the middle of the day. I am going to get some blinds for the two windows right behind the desk.

I have a section at the front of the room where I have a couple of NICE chairs for interviewing!

However that changed!! Nancy moved another desk in here which she is at temporally, until she moves to the back office. The desk will remain however but I'll still be alone.

I have a credenza and Nancy put the main printer on it. NO PROBLEM!!

I had some extra material at home and I decided I needed some curtains on the windows above the credenza because they get the afternoon sun and I can't see my computer!! I am also going to make a valance for the windows on the right of the desk ...

It's nice up until 3PM and then I can't hardly do a thing on the computer so ...............

Whala! ...................

Once the blinds are up and the valance is done (probably after Christmas lol) it will be quite homey.

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