Saturday, December 17, 2011


This past weekend was a rush (as is usual this time of year!!) Friday I had to open and close as Nancy took the day off. That puts me home about 5:35 IF I get out of the door right at 5:30 and IF the traffic and lights are decent and cooperating! We had the Missionaries coming for dinner and they wanted to eat at 5:30 because of other engagements. I had asked my friend Mary (who is struggling) to come as well. That meant I had to put Tony in charge of dinner and he came through with flying colors (as usual)
He picked up two pizza's from
"PAPA MURPHY'S" and they were more than enough. As a matter of fact he and I had some Sunday and finished them off last night (Monday) for dinner! lol Mary brought a wonderful Fruit pie with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and a cream cheese base! IT WAS MAGNIFICENT!!
The Elder's were awesome. One was from California and one from Africa! We shared dinner and they shared a wonderful message with us.
It was fun to have them and to see Mary, whom I haven't seen in a while.

Saturday, I got up and started to make cookies for the Young Women for Sunday. We won't have class this coming Sunday because it's Christmas so Lori (my 2nd Counselor) got them all a lip gloss and I made them cookies.
While I was baking, Traci, Sophia, Isabel and Andrew stopped by to drop off a plate of chocolates she had made for us. MAN, WERE THEY GOOD!! I can't believe how much she gets done. She has been sewing & crafting DISNEY shirts, skirts, dresses,bows, backpacks etc like crazy for her kids and Scott's kids for their trip to DISNEY WORLD the end of January!! THEN she made 60 POUNDS of chocolates!!! I asked her how on earth she gets so much done ...... she laughed and said "my house needs some serious attention" ...... I laughed! I guess something has to suffer, ya just can't do it all!

Andrew has on his leather coat, his sun glasses and his hat backwards and his typical sticky face!
He wanted to pose for me cuz he pretty proud of this look! lol

Sophia and Andrew posing with the plate of chocolates! Isabel wouldn't get out of the car because she was upset that her mother had dyed her hair. Isabel had spent the night with a friend and while she was gone Traci had her hair done and it is darker than it use to be. When Isabel saw her she started to cry and said "everyone will think I'm adopted" ...... She was not happy about it and refused to get out of the car! lol
After baking and decorating and visiting with Traci & the kids, Tony and I left to do some shopping. I needed to get new glasses and we needed some ingredients for my relish tray that I was going to take to the Bostrom's Annual Christmas Party that was held Saturday night!
We were gone till around 5:30, hurried home and put the tray together and wrapped our "WHITE ELEPHANTS".......................
Before leaving we donned our BSU CHRISTMAS STOCKING CAPS and asked Bob and Joyce to come over and take our picture and then the 4 of us got into my sleigh and went to pick up Art and Lynn!

The Bostrom Party is sooooo much fun! Everyone brings a dish of some sort. We all sit around and eat and visit and then the real fun begins!! ..... The opening of the
While Tony and I were shopping, I got a box of two Genie Bra's. I had a BRILLIANT IDEA for the party !! I stuck in A set of silicone boobs in the Genie Bra Box !!

Brother Hollingsworth got it but his wife had what it takes to show off the gift!!
I'm positive it will be re gifted next year!! lol

Joyce got some Reindeer Antlers and she wore them proudly!

James got the twins he's always wanted! lol I can't tell you how many years this gift has been re gifted!!

Spencer got the "TEDDY" complete with thong underwear!! lol I think it will be back next year too! lol We had a GREAT TIME visiting, eating and laughing!
AND BOB FELL ASLEEP!! lol We all laughed at him!!

OK, he woke up after I took this shot and then we all laughed with him ....NOT at him!!

It was a fun fun party!!

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