Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Well, the time has finally come!
Traci, Jason and family and Scott, Jill and family and Jeff and Christa have taken off on their trip to Disney World!
Traci posted this picture of Isabel on the plane! (Not sure who that is she is holding ) but I assure you she is excited about her trip!!

Traci made the kids (including Scott's) several outfits for the trip so they would be decked out in Disney Attire while there. Here is Scotlyn in ONE of the dresses she made as well as a bow she made for her hair and the necklace too! I don't know who was more excited about this trip .... Traci or the Kids!!

And here's Scotlyn on the plane! When Scott was here, he said that Claire was scared to fly and Scotlyn said "Don't be scared Claire, you can sit by me!" It must have worked because I see Claire too!
Here's our little Scotlyn sporting a Disney outfit!
She's such a card!

OK.... 1st day day is almost over and they wore this little Disney Diva out! lol
Scotlyn is sacked out in her stroller!!

I can't wait to see more pictures!!


Steph said...

I love the music on your blog :) it really is the cutest blog on the block! :)

Curtis and Deedra said...

I can't wait to go to places like that with our kids. They are so lucky to also get to do it with other family too!

Vernie and Tony said...

I know! I just wish Heather & Jon and Chris & Princess had been able to go with um too but schedules and pregnancy put the ca-bosh on it for them! lol
Maybe another time and hopefully someday you and some siblings can make the trip!