Saturday, April 27, 2024


I got a call from Scott this morning (and I was still in bed)  DARN!!  He was in the area and I could have seen him. He and Jill went to Barcelona Spain  for their Anniversary and have been gone for a while so haven' t seem him in a bit.  Guess it's gonna be a bit longer. He reminded me that Scotlyn's birthday is Sunday but she is going to Utah for  a choir concert and then will be going to VEGAS again for another volleyball tournament. Gonna have to catch up to her later. BUT, that reminded me that it's Jaden's birthday on the same day so I hurried and got a card in the mail to him.

On the way back to the house, I took a picture of the cherry tree. It's pretty much all leafed out now and it's a pretty tree no matter how ya look at it!
We started walking to Lynn's around 10:30.  She was going to pick us up to go to the temple. We got almost to Orchard and she came across. Tony drove and we were surprised to see so many kids at the temple. We thought it would be quiet but not so. We still got to do all of our names. I had a young lady do about 5 of my names and I did the rest. All together, with baptisms and confirmations, we got 77 done today. SO, this week, we did all of the ordonnances.  Baptisms, confirmations, Initiatory, endowment and sealings. 
Joyce was unable to go today but Lynn did. She was a witness and helped with the confirmations. 

We hurried home but stopped at COLDSTONE 1st. Tony and his mom got ice-cream and I got a smoothie. It was so good!  Now to cook dinner. The Hanchett's.  
Dinner went well. They are such a nice family and now we know a little bit more about them. They are excited about out block party this summer. AND, DARN, I didn't get a picture of them!!  Grrrr!

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