Saturday, May 18, 2024


We got up on Wednesday and went out to
to Nephi's graduation.  It was at 11 or 11:30 in the morning. We beat Colby and Cindy and they had the tickets, BUT, as Nephi said, they wouldn't be asking for them and sure enough, we got in and got excellent seats! We even saved 5 for Colby, Cindy and Lehi as well as Michael and his girlfriend Mattie. 

It was held in the BIG RED BARN at Thanksgiving Point and it was awesome! 

 There were 106 in Nephi's graduation class so it was small but very quick and classy! We had GREAT SEATS!!
After the graduation, we met out back (or to the side of the barn)                                                  and got pictures!
Colby, Michael, Nephi, Cindy and Lehi!

Then one with Michael's girlfriend, Mattie. They are both in theater and a lot of fun!!

Then Great Gramma GG and Tony and I got in the next shot! 

And the next shot!

And the next shot!!   LOL  I think Mattie was taking pictures!
 She's a hoot!

Then Christa came back to where we were and I got a couple of pictures of her and her boys!

Her parents were there as well but they must have left or went to the car because they weren't with her at this point. Her dad did come speak to us while we were sitting on the stand and he was so gracious and kind. He works  (and I'm not sure if his wife does) in the Rexburg temple baptistry. It was so nice to talk to him. After the graduation, the kids wanted to do something that was free. (For the poor College Students) lol Then we were going to meet at Colby's for pizza. We discovered the Petting Zoo was charging now so they decided to go home to watch a movie and then eat at 3:30. Tony, Mom and I went to Walmart 1st and then we decided to go through the Taylorsville Open House or otherwise we wouldn't get to. 
The man greeting the cars that came in was 
He thanked us for driving all the way from Idaho to see him! He and Tony had quite the banter going for a while. Then he told us to pull over to the lady sitting in a lawn chair (but specifically asked us not to run her over) lol  We did and found out she was his wife and he spoke to us more than he does to her!  (I rather doubt that) but it was fun to hear visit with them both!

After our tour, which was so awesome, we walked the grounds and got some pictures. I loved the inside. It has an old Pioneer feel in that the furniture was somewhat from that era! The colors were deep burgundy and violet and it was beautiful! The Baptistry is behind us!

I believe this is where the bride and groom come out to be greeted by their guests!

Or, this could be where they come out. It had beautiful flowers (which by the way were somewhat the colors of the inside)

A nice young woman offered to take our picture. Mom was sitting on a bench on the other side. She was getting tired.

A side view from the parking area. It's a BIG one and so gorgeous! 

The day was so beautiful and the sky was breathtaking. It was such a wonderful day!

Another beautiful flower bed with the color theme.

Once the Open House is over with (which is Saturday) the tent will be gone and in two weeks or so it will be open for Ordinances to be done.  We will have to make plans for another trip.

We want to go to the new Layton Temple on one of our trips as well.
I am so grateful to be worthy to enter The Lords House's. It is a testimony to me to a part of the work that is done for ourselves and for our Ancestors within these Holy walls!
We left and went to Colby's and had a great visit with all. Nephi had gone to dinner with his Mom and Grandparents but was home at 3 to enjoy time with both sides. Diane & Jess came and we all had a great time. At 7PM we went back to Deb's and played games till bedtime.

We got this picture from Cindy before we went to bed. They were able to go to the Taylorsville Temple. AWESOME!~ 

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