Saturday, May 18, 2024



We made plans to go see Heather and family on Thursday because we were leaving for home on Friday.
It was a BUSY WEEK!~ Heather said for us to take our time because she had some things to do before we arrived. SO, we went to a couple of Walmart's looking for puzzle books with BIG PRINT for my mom.
And then LOOK who we ran into!! It was funny because I was so intent on looking at things that I would have walked right past her if she hadn't practically run me down.  lol She said for us to take our time and come up when we were finished shopping.

We didn't find any more books but I got some yarn and a new crochet needle so I could crochet while I was in the car.  When we got to Heather's place, we visited for a while & then we went to pick up Mara and Sawyer. Mara was so excited to show me her Robot that she made.  She belongs to an Engineering Club and she gets a kit a month. She's built a robot, an arcade and a paint spinning machine so far

Then she took me to her room and showed me all her stuffed animals. A lot of them are characters that I don't know but she and Sawyer love them.  She showed me her hat that needed fixing. SO of course, Gramma got out the needle and thread and sewed it up!! Sawyer was so cute. He cleaned up her room while we looked at all her things. He's such a good brother. Takes care of his sister pretty good! Then she took me outside and showed me her gymnastic moves on the tramp. She's a busy young lady!!

I had done a lot of slow motion videos but for some reason, they wouldn't upload to my computer.  

Mara and Sawyer make bracelets and had a bunch already made. They want to start an ETSY shop. lol  Mara made me one with watermelons and and "M heart G".  Mara loves Grandma. 
Heather made me a late "MOTHER'S DAY DINNER" and gave me such a nice gift.  She made Sheet pan lasagna and an Olive Garden salad. She had made Artisan bread as well. She is sure a good cook! It was delicious. She gave me a bottle of homemade vanilla to cook with, a really cool magnetic book marker and some awesome absorbent towels !

Then after dinner, Sawyer and Mara unloaded the dishwasher and we loaded it. They are good helpful kids!

I got a family picture before we left around 8PM. 

And we got one with the grandkids as well! Sure love these kiddo's! They are growing up so fast! 

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