Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Got up this morning, went to Jarrett's to tend to Katie Kat and then came home to start on the yard. Tony went to Joyce's and started mowing. I mowed the front and then took a picture of my Day Lilies.
They really opened up while we were gone last week. I had one open when we left!  lol

These really bloomed while we were gone as well. I had two bloomed and now they are mostly all opened. Thankfully, they should bloom most of the summer.

I was grateful to see my colorful lilies hadn't opened at all yet. They are all budded out so it won't be long now. Everyone else I'd seen are all opened so I was worried BUT no worries now! I will enjoy watching them color up this pot!!

The pink ones didn't open as much but that's OK, They are well on their way!

The Iris was dead (well the blooms) but I got to enjoy them before I left.  The flowers in the pot (from Mara) need to be trimmed back and then they will bloom again. I have a lot of dead heads in this pot. After examining my flowers and shrubs, I mowed the back yard. Dug out a few dandelions and then headed to work in the garden.

BEFORE:   it was full of pigweed! I hate that weed. BUT, it's fairly easy to dig out and dig I did!!

It took me a while but I persevered and got it done!! 
Looks so much better!! When I finished, I was going to pick my peas but decided to hurry in and type Mom a letter and get it mailed before the postman came. I got it done and went out to mail it and she (it was actually a post woman) was just pulling up to Joyce's house on the other side of the street. I walked across and handed her moms letter. She was happy to take it for me.

I got a blister from the weeding. I had gloves on but my hand was hurting so I took then off and low and behold, I had wore the skin off in the palm of my hand. OUCH! None the less, I headed back to the peas and picked most of them. There are just a few remaining and I am leaving them to fill in. The peas are not developed.

I got a fair amount. I went to the garage to start shelling and Tony got home from Lynn's and wanted to drive out to the orchard to check on the rows and fix our ward marker that got busted. I took the peas with me and shelled them the entire time we were there.

It's so peaceful out in the orchard. I had the windows rolled down on the truck and I sat and shelled peas while Tony went to the end of the row to repair the sign. When he got back, we went to Lowes. He tried to find a better sprinkler head for the garden sprinkler. I sat in the truck and continued my shelling. We ran the truck through the car wash and I continued shelling. I finally got them done and we went to WINCO for milk and oranges, lemons and ginger so I can make my "Ginger Shot". I'm out and I need it.

When we got home, I washed the peas and put them in the refrigerator and we ate potato salad for lunch. We watched a show on TV while we ate and then I came up and showered. I have a RS meeting tonight so needed to cleanup. Now I need to get laundry started. We have a weeks worth. It's been a good productive day! Happy to be home!

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