Thursday, June 13, 2024


Today we had appointments at the Boise Temple because Meridian isn't open till Tuesday next week.  It was so nice to go back to the Boise temple and remember how much I love certain things about it. The Celestial room is small but so beautiful. Love the chandeliers and the  sconces and the celling! Simply gorgeous!! We did an endowment each. Afterwards, we had to wait an hour before we could do the sealings. I was able to see Mary Ann         who was the Veil Coordinator in the session we were in. Then I saw Sister Luker and I also saw Jorjette Bostrom.  When we got to the sealing room we did over three hours of sealings and got 91 ordinances completed. It was a very successful day!
When we finished, I went out to take some pictures while waiting for the two ladies. Tony took our bags out to the car and moved it closer to the front of the temple. I love the stained glass window that is in the baptistry!

I love the fountain and remember Tony and I getting our picture taken here on our wedding day 20 years ago!! 

It's a smaller temple but it is truly beautiful and I have so many wonderful memories from this one!

Mom Norton came out and Tony went in to find Joyce. A young man asked if he could take a picture of Lynn and I. Then I took a picture of him and his wife or girlfriend...not sure which but they were both sweet! It was hot when we left. 93 or so. We came back to Nampa and went to Arby's for lunch/supper and then to the post office to get Lynn's mail. Then we went to drop Lynn off and had to go in to find her phone. Then we came home, changed our clothes and went over to take care of Katie Kat. Now we are relaxing. We were going to go to the gym but it was after 5 when we finished and I was just too tired to go so Tony decided to stay home too. 
Tomorrow is another day! lol

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