Tuesday, August 20, 2024


I've started working on some cards for Mary!!  YES, I said Mary!!  I swore I was done making her cards but quite honestly, I miss the money. It's the only cash I get! Tony would give me the money from cashing in the bottles in Oregon but the last time was a bust so that's not an option anymore. SO, I've decided to give the cards another shot.  Glutton for punishment!!

ANYWAY, I got a bunch stamped and inked and now I'm just cutting them out. Worked on them Saturday evening and Sunday after church. Dinner was at my house and I made a Pork roast, carrots and onions in my Insta Pot. I also made mashed potatoes. The gravy was so yummy! I've got to use it more, It worked so well! We watched some of Season four of THE CHOSEN after dinner and then at 4, I went to visit the Taylor sisters. I minister to them. We visited for an hour. They are just the sweetest.
When I went to leave, they gave me two delicious cupcakes and this cute notebook that Ava made. Lorraine made the cupcakes. They were so sweet. After leaving their home, I went to see Robin. Her car was there but she didn't answer her door. I figured she may be sleeping so I didn't try calling her. I'll get her another day. Came home and the ladies had gone home so Tony and I watched WHEN CALLS THE HEART, till bedtime. Then we went up to read and say our prayers and hit the sack. Monday we went to the gym. Did our BIG day of exercise. Had to run some errands in the afternoon and then came home and ate leftovers. I started working on making card kits for the class I have to teach in 3 weeks. 

Today is Tuesday and we needed to mow lawns. I got ours done and Tony did Joyce's. Then he came home and sprayed weeds. I took a picture of my garden and then I cut the Marigolds off the TALL PLANT and then pulled it out. It looks ridiculous  being so much taller than the short ones.

The yard looks good!

Tony doesn't like the flowers that are growing in the Marigolds, 
BUT I DO!!  lol

The squash is growing all through the garden. I need to pick some more of it but didn't today. 

The Taylor sisters are quite the gardeners and they told me that the reason my tomato is not producing is because they do not like potatoes. Had no idea!! Tony is going to pull it out. It doesn't even have any blossoms on it . It just gets tall but no fruit!
Look how much better the garden looks without the tall Marigold!! 

And now they are in a pretty vase in the kitchen! lol  I got my outdoor work done and then came in and showered. I headed to Jill's to see Lincoln!  She was babysitting and told me to come see him! I was so excited. She also was going to come to my house this afternoon to give me a makeover for her Mary Kay job so we did it while I was at her house.

Isn't he sweet!!  He's such a beautiful little boy!

I got him to smile!!

He sat in his carrier while we did the makeover and he didn't fuss at all. Jill showed me his sunglasses. He wears them when she takes him on walks! He's such a good baby!

He was all smiles today. I got to feed him and then rock him and he was just so good! I loved the time I got to spend with him. I came home after a couple of hours and took Tony to his dermatology appointment. They were going to do surgery on his face but we got there and they told us we were 15 minutes late and they couldn't do it. Tony thought the appointment was 2:45 when in fact it was 2:30. They were going to charge him $75 bucks for missing the appointment and Tony got hot. They waved the charge and we came home. It was a bummer!  Tonight I went on a visit with Jenni to the Mays. Calista just had a baby girl 4 weeks ago and we went to see her. She was an adorable little baby!  Came home and worked on my cards again. Busy days!  Good Days!

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