Thursday, August 15, 2024


Tony and I both slept good last night. It's ALWAYS good to be in our own bed!! It started raining and quite hard this morning around 8am. It woke me up...but not Tony! Evidently, he was sleeping really really good!  He needed it! I finally got up about 20 to 9 and got myself ready to go to the hospital for my infusion. Tony got up around 9 and went down to eat a bowl of cereal. I packed my bag with my book  and some crackers & peanut butter and off I went.

I had the same nurse who tried to get me started 2 weeks ago. She is from Czechoslovakia. Her name is Melania. She is so nice!! She got me the 3 pills I have to take, did the saline flush and then ordered the Rituxan from the pharmacy. Finally around 11 am they got it started. 

I got the room at the end of the Infusion center again and it's the nicest room in the place. It has a BIG window and the weather was beautiful today! It was easy to read my book!! Lot's of light! I finally got finished at 2:45. I went home and rested a bit. Had a slight headache. I made Tony and me some pizza and I felt better after eating. Tony had already mowed Joyce and his mother's lawn.

So I went out and mowed our lawn'    Tony edged. Then he went in and rested. I headed over to Joyce's. 

She said I could pick her berries again. I didn't get many but it's enough for a couple of good smoothies in the morning before we go to the temple.

I came home and washed them and packaged them.  I froze the strawberries and just put the blackberries in the fridge. Frozen strawberries make better smoothies. lol  After I got the berries taken care of, I went up and showered. After, I came down to rest and blog. I looked at my phone and there was a message from Robin.  She had text me at 4:35 asking if I was busy. When I saw the text, it was after almost 6 o'clock. I told her I just saw the text and asked what she needed. She told me she was stressed and wondered if I could come sit with her for a while. Errrrg!!  I was honest and told her about my day and what I had done and that I had just got out of the shower and I was tired. I WAS!!  She said she could call someone else. I thanked her and hope she understands.

By the way, I saw this on FaceBook and I thought they were

Then they started moving!!  They are a  bird native to Australia. They are called Blue Partridges or Blackberry Partridges.   So interesting. We are resting now and will soon retire.
 It's been a good day!

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