Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Tony finished the puzzle before we went to bed last night. Now he has 3 to frame! lol

 I will hang this up in October for Halloween as well as the other one he made. Heck, might as well change out the decor while we have the pictures.  He needs to get this on cardboard so I can mod podge it.  We went to the gym and had our BIG day! Walk, weights and elliptical for me. We then came home and Tony went to get us Fish and Chips from The Kilted Cod. He bought 2 gift cards for them at our Church Auction. It's good BUT does NOT compare to The BowPicker in Astoria!! Just sayin!!
We were watching our series when I got a call from a # I didn't recognize. I didn't answer and checked later to see if they left a message. They did. It was Hobby Lobby saying my picture was almost done BUT he found a diamond missing. We said we would be right down. We got my diamonds and went to pick it up. He placed the diamond in the picture and told us it would take him 10 minutes to frame it. We looked around and I found this:
It's Anna's birthday on Saturday and so I got it for her. I will make some cookies to give with it. We'll go see her on our way home from the temple. 

Then we went back to the framing area and my picture was done!!  I really love it!! It wasn't cheap to have it framed but I think this one deserved some glass and a nice mat! Even Tony agreed!

I'm very happy with it! It's a beautiful picture and I thoroughly enjoyed doing it!  NOW, I am altering a temple dress and making it into a skirt. We'll see how that goes.

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