Monday, September 2, 2024


Friday, after the gym workout, Tony stained all the parts to the frames. They are drying!

And our garage smells pretty potent right now. lol

I worked on the kits for this Tuesday's upcoming Relief Society meeting. I have two notebooks ready with a plastic sheets filled with everything to make one card. I am still so nervous about all of this!!

Saturday, we served as veil Coordinators at the temple. It was so smokey on Saturday!!

But still beautiful. Our shift went so well. I am marveled at the tiny miracles I see in the temple everytime we serve. Today was especially filled with Tender Mercies! 
We came home and changed and then went to CHICK FIL A for lunch. It was delicious! Afterwards, we went to Lynn's to watch the 1st BSU Game of the year! I thought the one in Eugene Oregon this coming weekend was the 1st , but I was wrong. We played Georgia on their turf and we won! It was an exciting game!! At one point, Lynn got up and brought us back a "Sweet & Salty" bar. I hadn't opened mine but Tony did and then said, "This is full of bugs!!" He showed us and the bar was crawling with little critters! I was glad I hadn't opened mine and he took it as well as the box and placed it in a sealed zip lock bag. After the game, he took it back to Winco and showed the lady. She said she didn't even want to look at it but to go get a new box of them. It was a couple of months past the due date but he took it to the store anyway! lol  He got it replaced and then we took it over to his Moms house, then came home and watched 
then to bed.
Sunday, was Fast & Testimony meeting.  I haven't stood and bore my testimony for quite a while and I did so today. I need to do it more often because I am so blessed and I know the Gospel is true! We had brunch at Joyce's home and we had waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon. It was tasty. We then came to our house and watched "ESCAPE FROM GERMANY" as Joyce had never seen it and then we watched the last episode of Season 4 of 
THE CHOSEN. The ladies went home and I got busy on the cards again.

I will be helping them to learn how to use scraps for making cards. I have kits made for these three. Well, they will be similar but not the same.  Just wanted to show them what it will look like.

Then I will demonstrate how to do it with this for my card.

Then last night, I cut out around 14 sets of  Pinwheel cards to teach as well. I still have a little left to do but I'm feeling better about the class. (Somewhat) lol  Today, we got up and I mowed our lawn and Tony did Joyce and Lynn's. Actually he is at Lynn's right now.

 I moved my pumpkin flower off the porch and it is doing do much better under the tree. I also pulled the daisy (which was ugly) out of the garden. It looks better now. 
I am making Zucchini corn chowder for lunch and will share with Lynn and Joyce as it makes a lot!!~

It's just getting started. We plan to go to the gym after Tony gets back so I'll finish this when we get home. It still needs the corn and zucchini and cream.  I wanted to use up the rest of the Finger potatoes we got from Brother Miller so I figured this was a good way to do it. Tony really liked this soup so that helps. Come to think of it.....Tony loves all food. lol  I got a letter typed to my mom and in the mail.  We headed for the gym and did the BIG DAY of exercise!! Once we were done, we went to Walmart for some groceries. All I got was 2 movies (in the $5 dollar bin) so I can watch while Tony is gone to the game with Stillman. The new Elvis movie and one with Tom Holland and Walberg. It was rated PG-13 and it looked interesting. I got some new powdered drink and a head of lettuce. Decided to pick up milk and half & half at Costco later.
When we came out, there was a pretty butterfly behind our tire. I took a picture and then shooed him/her away so we wouldn't back over it. lol 

Got home and added the corn and zucchini and some cream cheese & cream. Then I baked some crescent rolls.  

Tony is nailing the frames together & will then put a shellac on them. Then we'll eat, shower, and I can finish my laundry. I washed our sheets this morning so have to put my bed back together. 

Dinner over with. I cleaned up the kitchen and took some food to Joyce. She wasn't home so I put it in her fridge and came home. Tony said he would take some to his Mom, so while he was gone, I showered and put my bed back together. He got home and said Joyce was at Lynn's and they were playing games. He showered and we are gonna take it easy now. 

 It's been a busy few days, but what's new?  lol

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