Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Tony and I worked out yesterday morning. It was our walk day so we took Lynn and Joyce with us. After we dropped them off at home, we ran to Costco and Winco and then came home, dropped off a few groceries, and then went to the church to set up.

I put up a few examples of the cards we were doing on the board as well as some techniques to do while card making. We then came home and I made us BLT'As. Joyce had given me some nice tomatoes and they were delicious! 

I left the house at 6:10 and got ready for my class at 7.  It was a decent turnout. And it was fun. It was interesting to see that some older women don't follow directions very well! lol 

But they all did a great job and some cards were unique! 

We made two basic cards. Both from scraps and it was pretty interesting.

I demonstrated these two cards....

These are some of the cards finished. The top left card was supposed to be a pinwheel. lol I tried and tried to help her place her squares correctly, but she just couldn't figure it out. lol  The others are all pretty good. 

Some of the ladies were so pleased (and they should have been) with their creation, they took them home to send to a family member. The others, I collected and will be delivering them to the old folks home by the house for the patients to distribute to their family and friends. 
I was so excited to have it over with and then Johanna McDougal (the Young Women's President) asked if I would teach the class one night for the girls. SO, guess I got another gig!  lol

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