Monday, September 9, 2024


A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR DEAR PROPHET, PRESIDENT NELSON! He turned 100 today and is still going strong. WE LOVE HIM and respect him so much.  He's a great man! He is the oldest Prophet we have ever had. President Hinkley was 97 and President McKay was 96.

Happy Birthday President Nelson!
I got up this morning and let Tony sleep. He had a busy weekend with his trip to Oregon and the BSU game. He needed his rest. I went to my computer and typed my mom a letter and got it out to the mailbox. Then I went to Joyce's and cut her hair. I came home and Tony was up so we ate breakfast and then he and I went over to help Joyce with her call to the Insurance agent about her accident.

She told me I could pick the strawberries so I did and she also gave me a couple of zucchini. MORE MUFFINS I GUESS! lol

Then we came home and I started on our lawn and Tony did Joyce's. 


Then I hit the backyard. I had to cut back the Basil in the garden and get rid of a few weeds but I got her done!

Tony headed to his mom's and Joyce came over with some corn from her garden. I shucked them and then cleaned up the strawberries and got them in the fridge. The corn will be a nice treat!

I cut the heads off of the flower that were in the garden and put them in my nut vase. I think they are pretty cool but Tony is not fond of them! lol They are so different and I've never seen them before, so I find them intriguing! 

This is a BIG SMOKE CLOUD just north of Boise. It was taken today and the air is getting worse and worse. Think I'll stay inside the remainder of the day. I did two loads of laundry and got them folded and put away. The rec center is closed for a bit due to the floors being refinished so good reason to stay home. 

WELL, I LIED!!  Tony came home and said he wanted to go to the gym. He said the machines were working, we just couldn't get on the track or the gym floors. SO, we picked up Lynn (Joyce didn't want to go) and we went. I rode 10 miles an on the elliptical and did my weights. After we finished, we went to WINCO so Lynn and I could buy ingredients for "FUNERAL POTATO'S" for Thursday.  We then ran the car through the car wash and then Lynn said she would treat us to TACO BELL. We ate and then took her home. It's 6PM and it has been a long day! We showered and we are finishing up by relaxing and watching TV.  

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