Sunday, March 14, 2010


My niece Charcie and her boyfriend Ben left today. It was a funny day to say the least. When they came home from visiting his relatives in Meridian last night, they accidentally locked the keys in Charcie's car. After waiting up 45 minutes for the locksmith, they were finally able to call it a day.

This morning, Ben was going to leave so he could be back in time for Priesthood and Charcie was going to attend Sacrament meeting with me and then leave for home...... However, we forgot about the time change, so we were all running a bit late. Ben and Charcie said their goodbyes and then she came in to finish getting ready for church.

All of a sudden, Ben was back in the house ...... get this ....
He locked his keys in his car!! (Is he twitterpated or what ?? lol)

I left for church and Charcie said she was going to wait for the locksmith with Ben and would come late. After Sacrament meeting, I looked for her but no Charcie!
I went to my other meetings and went home. I was thinking I would just have a bowl of cereal because I wanted to pick up my house a bit and get ready for the Relief Society Presidency who were coming to my house at 2PM for a meeting. I pull into the driveway to find both the kids cars still there.
I find out that Ben had to sweet talk the locksmith into a free car opening because he didn't have $75 dollars or that particular benefit on his insurance.
That was great but the bad thing was he had to wait till the locksmith was on this end of town.
SO, I proceeded to make them taco's for lunch (much better than the cereal I planed on eating) and we visited after lunch till the Presidency got here for the meeting.
The kids went in the other room and we sisters did our thing. After an hour and 1/2, we finished. By now it's 3:45. Charcie finally pulls herself away at 4:15 when they got a call from the locksmith saying he would be here in 15 minutes or so.
My Visiting teacher and her husband came at around the same time and as we were visiting, Ben said good bye to me cuz the locksmith was here.
We were talking and all of a sudden I notice Ben back up on the porch so I yelled for him to come in. He did and then he tells me his car battery is dead and his car won't start!
At this point, it's funny .... but it's not! (if you know what I mean) Poor kid! If anything could go wrong did! (Although, ya gotta look on the good side and appreciate all the extra time they got to spend with one another)
Anyway, my visiting teacher's husband jumped his car which took a good 15 minutes to get started! Seriously, I was beginning to think I might be putting him up for another night! (I wouldn't have minded, he is an awesome kid! He and Charcie will be wonderful together!!

Then this evening, I went to Mom and Dad Norton's to celebrate birthdays for Blake and Mom Norton. We started out by making Blake crawl through every one's legs so we could spank him.
I got a nice shot of Nathan's good side but not his better half! lol

Blake turned 9 years old and had we had a couple of delicious chocolate cakes to commemorate his 9 years and Mom's 78!

I guess Grandma needed help blowing out her candles cuz several helped her! lol

I made her a new necklace and earrings. She put them on and I'm sure she will wear them with pride!

It was a fun and chaotic day!
Pretty normal for this household! lol


Curtis and Deedra said...

Wow, what a crazy day! And yes, that's about normal for this family, lol. And Ben really does look a lot like Phillip. I can see it better on the bigger picture. That is just weird!

Jill and Scott said...

Happy birthday to blake and Grandma! Looks like everyone had fun!

Christa said...

Poor guy :) the story is funny though! Happy Birthday to everyone! Hope the party was fun!