Friday, October 7, 2016


I had another doctor appointment on Wednesday of this week with Doctor Swerdloft at MSTI. I really like him! He has such a fun disposition and is so upbeat. We basically talked about the new medication (tamoxifen) and how I was doing on it. I told him I was feeling better and definitely sleeping better but the hot flashes are HORRIBLE!!  He said he could give me another prescription for that but I am so sick of drugs, I opted not to.  I have gained weight and he assures me it was because of the prednisone and it will come off. I sure hope so! I know I need to watch what I eat more and I have been trying to cut back on portions because I'm still not getting the exercise I need. I get so winded when I go up and down stairs or try packing a lot of groceries etc.
Anyway, I get another CT scan in December and some lab work to see if the inflammation is staying at bay.  So far things are looking good!!
                    YAY!!  HAPPY DAY!~

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