Friday, December 16, 2016


Deedra is going to have baby #5 at a Birthing Center in Meridian. She asked if I would like to go with her to one of her checkups and then they would give me a tour of the place. When we got there I thought it looked familiar. I asked if this was the same place Krista had Lehi. Deedra didn't think so but wasn't sure.  She checked in and then they took us back to one of the 3 rooms. The nurse asked Deedra all kinds of questions pertaining to her health etc.

Then she got an exam and I got to hear the baby's heart beat. It sounded STRONG!!~

She was told to drink lots of water and stay hydrated ....
So she did and does!  lol
After the initial visit, they gave me a tour of the place. I don't know why I didn't get a picture of the room Deedra hopes to get because it was AWESOME! I was in awe I guess! It was pretty cool!
I did find out the baby is going to be named "ALICE" ......  Not much longer and we'll get to meet her!
Later, Deedra texted me and said she had heard from Krista and it was the place she had Lehi. The name and ownership had changed shortly after Lehi was born.  I thought it looked familiar. The old memory hasn't left me totally! lol

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