Monday, February 13, 2017


Saturday was a busy day! We started it off picking up Mom and Dad Norton and going to Jacks baptism at 10AM. It was a BIG baptismal day with 9 kids making sacred covenants with their Heavenly Father. We were thrilled to be there for Jack.
There were a lot of families wanting pictures in front of the font so we just got Jack and his parents.
We had a BIG family turnout with the Butterfields and the Nortons so it would have been a
Grandpa Tony and Grandpa Butterfield were asked to share a few words with Jack after his confirmation and they both got emotional but they said such wonderful things to Jack and he was so reverant and sat and listened to every word! I was so proud of him! It was a very special day!~
Afterwards, we hurried home and I got ready to go to a Baby Shower for Brittanie Poulson at 1PM. It was lovely but I only stayed an hour. We had invited the Brantners to come to our home for dinner several weeks ago and I had to get home to put the pot roast on to cook. Stillman and Michelle planned a family date night at a Japanese Restaurant that evening and we would loved to have gone but couldn't because of previous plans.
Sorry we missed it!~
However, we had a wonderful evening with Loretta and David. They were on the "DO NOT CONTACT" list for home teachers but Tony and I gave it a shot anyway. The 1st visit was outside on their steps, the 2nd we were invited in and soon we became friends. We asked them to go with us to the Shooting Range for a High Priest Group activity. They came and had a great time. We continued to make visits and phone calls and then asked them to dinner. When they arrived, she gave me a beautiful scented candle. We had dinner and played Mexican Train and visited and got to know each other just a little better. We plan to do it again. The ward boundries were changed and they are no longer in the ward but we don't intend to drop them. They are a wonderful couple and we plan to continue the friendship!

Sunday, little Alice was blessed by her daddy. We met at Curtis and Deedra's chapel and it was a wonderful meeting. Jack was welcomed in as the newest member of their ward and Alice was given her blessing.

It was another BIG FAMILY event but several left to get to their own meetings before I could take a group picture. Luckily Charlie Hansen (Deedra's cousin on her mother's side) and his family stayed to get a picture! I was so glad they were there to represent Marsha (Deedra's mother) and Karen and Gilbert, (Charlies parents and Deedra's aunt and uncle).

And this was all that was left of the Norton side. Tammy and Chris and Nate and Melissa had left already. And Nikki, Garette and Jack had already gone to class. All the Butterfields had gone as well! DARN!~

Great Gramma Lynn, Gramma Vernie, Momma Deedra and BABY Alice!~

Proud Mommy and sweet baby!~
Such a wonderful Sabbath!~

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