Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Tony surprised me on Monday night with a lovely card for Valentine's Day and this BEAUTIFUL Orchid! He had to go to get our taxes done and when he came home he gave me the card and the orchid flower! (Love the container it's in too)
  Just hope I can keep it alive!~
I'm not the greenest thumb around!  AND I know Orchids are finicky!

Valentines Day was on a Tuesday this year and I so I took the day off! It gave us plenty of time to go and do the things we wanted. We went to Costco and got cushions for the chairs to our new table! We then went to visit the Hendrix. They are a couple we home teach. Then we went home for about an hour before going to pick up his parents. We then went to the OUTBACK for a 2PM lunch/dinner date with his folks and his Aunt Joyce and Uncle Bob Haverfield!

We had a great time visiting and enjoying each other over a great meal. After eating we went to the 3:30 movie which was LA LA LAND! We had heard many good things about it and I did enjoy it but I'm always disappointed when they throw in the TOKEN "F" WORD!!  It always makes me mad! And I was disappointed in the ending!! Thats just me! I always want the happy ending and in this case..... it wasn't!  Grrrrrr    BUT, It was a lovely day with my very

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