Thursday, May 18, 2017


Last night Tony and I went to Kuna High School for Sophia's "HOSA" Banquet, Awards ceremony and Silent Auction fundraiser."  It was a Taco feed which was really good. Then they had the program and awarded a lot of the kids who have been taking courses in the Health Field!

Sophia won 1st place last year with a project she and a friend did together which resulted in a trip to Tennesee. This year they won again (1St Place)  which results in a trip to Florida.
Way to go Sophia!!

She also was nominated to be President of HOSA  (Health Occupations Students of America) for the upcoming year!! She is one Smart Cookie, determined and a hard worker and I believe she will succeed in becoming the doctor she wants to be!!~

I still don't know how much money she raised for her trip with the silent auction. It was disappointing. Sophia definitely had the most contributed to the auction and the good thing is she gets 100% of what she sold and a partial amount of the money made from the dinner. Can't wait to hear. When I know, I'll do an update: 

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