Friday, August 25, 2017


Chris was sent to Astoria to do some special training so the family went along and they got to go see my mom and my brother! I was so excited to hear they were there and they sent me several pictures!  I know it made Mom's day!!
Princess, Mom and the cute little "almost Twins!
Tristan and Ari!

Chris said they went to see dad's grave and he said Tristan got very emotional. Chris told him he could talk to Grandpa and that he would hear him. Tristan sat down in front of the toombstone and told Grandpa how much he missed him and how much he loved him. It makes me tear up every time I see this!
What a special little boy!
Princess made the comment to me later that it was "such a wonderful feeling being with Rick and Grandma". I know what she means. They are both so close and the feeling of love is strong in their homes. They are all so close to our Heavenly Father and it is evident when we are around them.
I love going there and feeling it to.

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