Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Sunday, after receiving the spectacular "Retirement Gift" and after the shock was over and I was able to regain my wits .... so I text each one of my kids to thank them for such an awesome gift! In my conversation with Jeff, he said he had been feeling crappy for 10 days and finally he passed another kidney stone!!
I feel terrible for him! He said it was instant relief after it passed ! Man, I'll bet! Thats like "Man Labor" for 2400 hours !  Poor kid! He is scheduled to go see his urologist soon but he's afraid he is destined to keep producing these for the rest of his life!
My heart goes out to him. I can't even imagine the pain he must be feeling with each one of those. Traci says they are the biggest she has ever seen and she's a nurse and seen plenty!!
My Poor Baby Boy!

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