Friday, March 23, 2018


It was such a delight to go to Astoria to visit Mom and attend Kate's farewell! She is going on a mission to SLC, Utah! She is a beautiful young lady and the youngest of Mom's girl grandchildren! We left Friday night (after Tony was off work) and went as far as Pendleton. We spent the night there. It really breaks up the trip nice, especially when ya leave late. We were going to stop in Ridgefield to see Christa and the boys (Jeff probably would have been sleeping or at work) but I bumped my head getting into the car in Pendleton and had a headache. I had fallen asleep and Tony drove on through. So glad I had seen them a few days before! lol
As soon as we got to Astoria, we went to the Bow Picker and got lunch. We took it to Mom's and ate lunch with her. She was happy to get it. She said she hadn't had it for a while!

We spent Saturday, visiting and playing games. Mostly Mexican Train. Mom loves to play games! 

Sunday, we got ready for church and went to hear Kate's farewell talk. She and her Mom (Wendy) both spoke. They did such a great job! So good that I asked for copies of both talks. Wendy;s was on the Atonement and Kate's was on setting goals. They are both

We got some pictures just outside the church after Sacrament meeting. Mom doesn't hear so well so mostly on Sundays, she watches the Sacrament meeting on the BYU channel and she can have the caption on and read it. She was a trooper to go with us!

After church, we went home and changed and then drove Mom out to the cemetery to see dad! It is such a beautiful sight. Her parking pass doesn't expire till she is 100 so I told her she had to stay till then. She said "I can't hear you"   she is hilarious!!  Selective hearing!!

We went home and played games again!!  

Kate and Emery came down and played several games of UNO with us. We ate some snacks until 5 when Rick and Wendy had us come upstairs to have a
with them and family and friends!

We had Corned Beef, asparagus, broccoli, mashed potatoes, green jello salad and a big tossed green salad! It was

Wendy, Mom and Me!!

Ryan and Tenillle, Kate's friend, Kate and more  family friends!

And Jake got into this shot!!

And Tony got int this one!!  lol

And our lovely HOST'S!  Rick and Wendy!
I admire this POWER COUPLE SO MUCH!!

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