Monday, April 16, 2018


I have a sweet friend from Russia! She moved into our Ward a couple of years ago when she married a man she'd met online. Her name is Lubov. She has a heart of gold and is quite the personality!
Last Thursday, she invited Bob and Joyce Haverfield and me to come to the Federal Building in downtown Boise to see her get her citizenship to this

It was such an honor to be in the court room with 33 people from 16 different countries!! There were people from Iraq, Iran, The Congo, Burma, Afghanistan, Italy, Russia, to name a few. I couldn't even remember all the countries! BUT, to see the joy on their faces when they were called up and given their citizenship papers was incredible! It brought back sweet memories of when I became a citizen at the age of 16. 

I love this sweet sister!  I wasn't able to get a picture of us together at the Federal building because it was kinda chaotic when everyone was coming out and they were trying to get them registered to vote etc. so I had Tony take one of us at church yesterday. Lubov was so cute. She kept singing "AMERICAN WOMAN!"  with her adorable Russian accent!
Love this woman!

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