Monday, May 21, 2018


Decided it was time to  pull weeds before they got
 Actually, they were a bit already but I suffered through! I went 1st to HOME DEPOT and bought a zucchini and a butternut squash and a cucumber because my seeds did not come up! Grrrrrr
After transplanting them I started in on the weeds.

I hope my neighbors weren't looking at me out of their windows because all they would have see was my BIG BOOTY!
I can't get down on my knees anymore so I just bend and do my thing! Kinda scary sometimes! I did get so tired that I went and got a little step stool to sit on but I could hardly stand back up after I sat down on it so I didn't use it for long! I miss the good ole days when I was in shape! lol After weeding, I planted a few Marigolds. Some of the seeds are coming up, but  I wanted some color right NOW!~  lol

Gardening is very satisfying though and I am pleased with my efforts! I still have to clean up the rocks where I dug out all the Iris that was overtaking these plants. I put in a bleeding heart but the rocks are a mess there. Need to do that now.......tomorrow! hah! I'm too pooped right now!

My raspberry bushes and lillies are doing great! Can't wait to eat fresh raspberries!

More lillies and Iris in a controlled space!!  Those darn Iris will take over if you let them!! Also, my basil!

The back yard is looking pretty good right now. Tony and I put up the sun shades last Saturday. Until my Locust is big enough to put off a little shade, these will have to do.

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