Saturday, May 19, 2018


Deedra asked me several months ago, if I would watch the kids when she went on a 3 day Field Trip with Garrett to McCall in May. Well, the 3 days came and Deedra called me and said Alice was sick and did I still want to do it. I told her it wouldn't bother me at all and for her to go and have a good time with Garrett. I went over this past Wednesday at 7:15 in the morning. After Deedra told me what I needed to do, we loaded up the 4 youngest kids and drove to the school where she and Garrett caught the bus to McCall. We also dropped off Jack at the same school because he still had class for the next 3 days!
I drove the 2 little girls home and poor little Alice was not feeling herself at all! The 1st day, she slept A LOT!! She wanted to cuddle and that was OK by me!! I quite enjoyed it!!

Charlotte played and watched the same DVD over and over....(till I tricked her into watching a different one and then she wanted to watch it over and over! lol) Poor little Alice was pretty lethargic for all 3 days. She had been sick to her stomach but she didn't throw up when I was with her. BUT, she just wasn't herself. You could definitely tell she didn't feel well!!

Charlotte loves SNAPCHAT
 so she was content to play on my phone!!

She especially likes to do the dog because she thinks the tongue is too much fun!!

I liked the pretty ones!!

She loves the crazee ones!!  lol

She also loved to dress up in her cat costume and chase her tail!  SERIOUSLY!!
She would go around and around in circles!! Almost make me nauseous, 

By Friday, the weather was so beautiful so I put the girls in the double stroller and we walked to the park. I thought the nice weather would lift little Alice's spirits ......
 She sidn't want any part of the seing,  however, she was OK with swinging if I was sitting on a swing and she was in my lap! That was nice!!

This little Monkey was loving it!! She climbed on everything and asked all the kids that were there if they wanted to play with her! SO CUTE!~

And she insisted on wearing her bathing suit ALL THREE DAYS!  lol\
(Oh by the way, I would go over at 7:15 in the morning and leave around 3:45 or 4 when Nikki was home and after I picked up Jack from school)

FUN Fun fun!!
On Friday, Deedra sent me a text around noon and said they were boarding the bus to come home. They arrived around 4 in the afternoon so I loaded up the little girls and drove to the school to pick her and Garrett up. Little Alice was thrilled to see her Mommy again and Charlotte too!  At 1st she asked if she could go home with me but changed her mind almost as soon as it came out of her mouth! lol They were sweethearts and it was fun!

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