Tuesday, May 15, 2018


I've been putting in a lot of time into our yard! I mow and I've been doing the edging too as Tony is not yet retired. I am so happy with the way things are looking and growing. 

My Snowbound Spiria got so BIG and covered our railing and you couldn't even see out the front window!! Tony cut them back .....actually, he cut them to the ground. I use to have three but the one nearest the step died and I need to dig it out. However the other two are blooming and beautiful!! Traci and Scott gave me the pots with the geraniums in them and so I placed them there till I get something else planted!  They look lovely and I love them!!
Thank you Scott and Traci!! It was my Mother's Day gift!

We planted a Lilac Tree and it is blooming pretty good this year. I assume as it gets better established, it will get more and more blooms in the coming years! 

I have been wanting to put something in the planter's on the Gazebo but as there is no automatic watering devise on them, I opted for fake greenery. I went to Saver's yesterday and found a number of things I could use but I waited till this morning to buy them, as it is
Senior Citizen Day
and I got 30% off! I LOVE Love love how it looks!!
AND, I don't have to water them! Lol!~
Sometimes it pays to be old!~ lol

My fake tree was looking pretty bad so I found this one and I only paid $7.00 dollars!

I power washed the table and chairs and the patio today as well.
It's looking mighty inviting, if I do say so myself!~

All my plants along the fence are real and doing beautifully. However, Tony is going to put up the shades that we bought last year so the plants don't die. They are automatically watered but they still need a bit more shade! We found that out last year!! 

I think it loos nice and inviting!!

Our Locust Tree is doing pretty good too. We just put it in last year when we had the
 taken out!! I miss the shade but not the mess!!
I got another beautiful geranium from Nate and Melissa. It hangs in the center.
Thank you to them as well!! I love it!! 

And last but not least and .....not up yet, is my garden! I planted acorn squash, zucchini, cucumber, beets, chard and tomatoes. The only thing up is the tomatoes, as I bought grown plants for those. The beets and chard are sprouted but nothing else yet. Soon, I'm sure!! Then I have hanging, more fake greenery and I'm OK with that!! lol
I think things are looking pretty darn good!

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