Thursday, July 5, 2018


This morning, we made plans to attend the Meridian Temple to do Initiatory. Art has been feeling quite well and so Lynn wanted him to be able to get out and accomplish something. Hence, we asked the Haverfields to come along and it was a lovely morning. 

Afterwards, we coaxed the folks and the Haverfields to come to the back for a photo. No problem for Art as Tony pushed him in the wheel chair. However, Bob sat on a bench up near the Temple and Tony had to go get him. He didn't want to walk that far but we managed to get him to come back and we all got in the photo.  lol

Its such a beautiful setting and worth the walk. Joyce thanked us for inviting them along. She said they sure enjoy doing things with us. I told her we like to hang out with them because it makes us feel somewhat chipper! lol

LOVE, Love love the Temple! 

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