Wednesday, January 18, 2023


The weather is getting colder and I'm in the mood for chili. I made it this morning but will serve it with cornbread tomorrow after Tony, Lynn and Joyce come home from the temple. 
I let it simmer and thicken, and then set in in my outdoor fridge....the back porch! lol Will warm it up tomorrow and enjoy it with Tony and the ladies. Mmmmmm, can't wait!  

Once I had it simmering, Tony came down dressed and ready to go to the gym. After he left, I went up and got dressed and then got an assembly line going for some more scrap cards. I cut out all the centers of the cards, the outsides pieces and then cut out the die cuts for the outside sentiment. I also took a bunch of solid scraps and cut triangles. I started assembling them till Tony got home.

I got a smoothie recipe from Heather that I wanted to try so when Tony got home from the gym, I mixed it up for breakfast.  He ate his with a piece of cinnamon cake. 

It was pretty tasty! Will definitely make it again!!

While Tony showered, I made one card with the solid pieces and then when he was all cleaned up, we went to Costco. There were a few things we needed.

He bought me 3 pair of workout pants. They are a nice silky (not the right word but they are soft and very comfortable) I got one in black, grey and blue! What a sweetheart!!

We bought a Chicken Taco kit at  Costco. It had 12 taco shells, chicken, cheese, shredded cabbage, limes and 2 dressings. One salsa and one cilantro lime! It was only $5.99 and seriously delicious!! We had 3 taco's each and will have 3 each for lunch on Friday! 
(Cuz we're having chili tomorrow!) After eating, Tony worked on his puzzle while we watched TV.

And I assembled the cards I cut out earlier! I got 21 done and I used mostly ALL SCRAP paper!! Such a great way to get rid of the ton's of scraps I have kept. I got a card order from Mary Benjamin today. She wants religious cards. She gave me the scripture she wants so I will work on those tomorrow and Tony will give them to her on Friday when he goes to the Rec Center. 
It's been a good day and I kept busy!!

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