Thursday, January 19, 2023


Went to bed at 11:00 snow had started yet. Woke up at 4am.  There was a good amount and it was still coming down.
I stepped out onto the front porch and it was beautiful!

I couldn't go back to sleep so read my book. Almost done with it and can start on book #2 soon!

Tony came down at 7am. He was dressed and ready to go to the temple. They decided to leave at 7:45 to be sure and make it to the 9am session. 1ST he shoveled our driveway and then went over to Joyce's. See that little guy over there! lol

It finally stopped around 10 am or so. Tony will have to re-shovel when he gets home. He won't mind. Since he didn't get to go to the gym this morning, he'll want to get his exercise somehow!

I went up and worked on the card order I got from Mary Benjamin yesterday. She is a little religious gal we know from the Rec Center. She wanted a specific scripture on the card. I decided I wanted to continue using scraps so I came up with this design.

It's blurry! I'm kinda shaky today.

Anyway, got them all done and packaged and ready to send to the rec center with Tony tomorrow. I remember telling her last time that I had to charge a little more the next time she needed some BUT, she said "$15 dollars for 12, right?"
I didn't have the heart to say, NO, Now it's $20. She obviously forgot our last conversation. SO, I decided to make it easy on me and make all the same design and use scraps so it didn't take me near as long as the last order. Hope she's OK with that cuz I'm not going to spend days on different designs when I'm only making $15 bucks. 

Tony and Lynn and Joyce got home a little after noon. I guess the roads were so slick this morning, it took them an hour and a half to get to the temple so they missed the 9am session. Tony did a few initiatory before the 10am session. I fed them chili and cornbread when they got home and they were grateful for that. 
After they left, I cleaned up the kitchen and then Tony took to see the kidney doctor. We left at 2PM. We went over my charts, took my blood pressure and talked about my concerns. Tony asked when I can start going back to church and the gym and the temple..... We were told that because of the prednisone and the chemo drip, my immune system is still very compromised. We were told that it would be very easy for me to catch anything that is out there and that could end up being very bad so I need to continue to isolate and be careful. I will have to do the chemo drip in another 6 months and then then again in another 6 months and THEN AGAIN in another 6 months!!  Then, they will let me know if I still need it! Whew!!  I thought I only had the 2 drips in June left! Guess not!! I will be seeing Dr. Keller again in a month. Will check with him again but, according to Cypress (his assistant who saw me today) she said 
  You don't want to end up back where you were! 
It's so frustrating!! I am thinking of having my calling of Temple worker released and they can call me back as soon as I can return. I also told Jenni that if she wanted me replaced, I understand. I can't see her going on with out a 1st counselor being able to participate!

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