Monday, January 16, 2023


I finished my book last night before falling off to sleep. 
 I thought I'd slept pretty good (and actually what sleep I did get was restful) but it was only 4 hours and 47 minutes but still got a 77 sleep score so I think what time I was asleep was good. 

When I woke up at almost 6am to go to the bathroom, I thought I could go back to sleep, BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! So, I started another book in a series of four. There are actually five but Cynthia didn't have the 1st one. So far, pretty good!! When Tony came down around 7:45 ready to go to the gym, I showed him all the pictures Deedra sent me of their new home. Then off he went. I headed upstairs to shower and dress,. I have a dentist appointment at 1 this afternoon so needed to clean up. While I was waiting for my hair to dry, I decided I had time to finish my scrap cards.

I got them done in short order! I love to make multiples because they go fast when I assemble them. I actually like these and decided I need to make different kinds using scraps, as I have 
No sense throwing it out when it can produce beautiful cards!!

I love the owl paper on this one!!

They are ALL Birthday cards, as that is what I have the most need for! I found a card on Pinterest that I plan to make soon as I can find my tree stamp set! 

In the meantime, I cut out plain paper colors in this shape and made a couple with this design.

 Had to quit as it was time for me to go to my appointment. So I donned my mask and went in for my checkup. Found out that I chipped TWO teeth when I fell down the stairs and broke my wrists. I also have a small cavity close to them so I go back on the 30th to have them fixed. Good thing is our dental insurance improved this year so what was going to cost $400 and something, ($200 after insurance from last year) but it will be NO COST AT ALL!~ That makes me happy!!

Mainly because I had to buy egg's today after my appointment. Practically had to take out a 2nd mortgage to get them! lol 
At least Bacon's back down to a decent price again. Came home and put groceries away. Having leftover's from yesterdays dinner for lupper. Resting right now while Tony is helping Joyce with some TEMPLE NAMES. I get so exhausted just walking around a store.  We'll eat after she leaves to go home. 

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