Sunday, January 15, 2023


I couldn't sleep last night so I put together several cards (well part of them) before getting sleepy enough to doze off. I was at least able to sleep 5 hours and 20 minutes before getting up at 6am for the day. Hey, it was better than 2 hours the previous night, so I'll take it as a win! 

Now, Monday, I'll finish these and go on to a different card.
The cookie recipe I made on Saturday was a super
so I decided to bake a few more while I was waiting for Tony to get up so I could get ready for church. (Which I zoomed) 

We watched MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD, before he prepared and blessed the Sacrament for me here at home.  I so much appreciate being able to have it here at home as I am recuperating. Such a blessing!

The Relief Society Presidency came over at 11am. The Ward History Leader wanted a picture of the R.S. Presidency for the Ward History that she keeps. Jenni on the left is the President, I am the 1st Counselor, Heather is the 2nd Counselor and Johanna is our Secretary! It was so nice to have them here for a while to visit. I love these ladies! After they left, Tony took off to pick up Joyce and Lynn and head to choir practice. I read my book till church started.

Then I was able to Zoom it on my laptop. The program was the Mission President and his wife and the "Service Missionaries".  It was a good meeting. The choir was supposed to sing in the middle of the hour but the Missionaries all sang a song so they choir will wait till next week. No Problem!  I have felt a bit guilty lately, not being able to attend my meetings or the temple. When I met with Jenni today, she did say, if I needed to be released, she was leaving it up to me. I have thought about it. I am trying to do my job as best I can but can't really fulfill it the way I should when I'm not at church. I feel like they would be better off with someone who can actually get in there and do the work and I have no idea when I will be back. 

I LOVE Love love this reminder! 
Praying about what I should do. I thought I'd wait to talk tot eh kidney doctor this Thursday and maybe get an idea when it will be safe for me to get back to work. Right now, I have very little energy and I feel like I'm letting them down. Gotta figure out what I should do.  After church, I made my mashed potatoes, carrots and peas and a salad to take to dinner at Joyce's home. 

Joyce baked a chicken and made dressing and gravy. Lynn brought ice-cream and a cinnamon cake. Dinner was so good! Lynn wanted to come to our place to play games after we ate but I wasn't in the mood for games tonight. I wanted to watch UNSHAKEN and watch the 6th episode of THE CHOSEN. So, we did. lol

UNSHAKEN was so good this week. Well, it always is but it was particularly enlightening this week. Jared Halverson is so smart and can explain the scriptures like no other. When it was over, we watched THE CHOSEN and it was excellent. Lynn and Joyce were both glad we did what we did. I told Lynn we can play games another night. It was such a good SABBATH and I am ready to call it a day.......IF I can get to sleep now! lol

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