Friday, January 27, 2023


I finished book # 3 last night and started book four today. I wished I'd been able to read # one but I got the gist of what was going on in it because at the beginning of each book she kinda goes over the "Travel in Time" theme that is happening in the books. 

I'll go to THE KILLING Books by Bill O'Reilly that Traci gave to Tony for Christmas. I have read several of his books and find them very interesting. I slept good last night!  Went to sleep (after finishing my book) at 12:20. I woke up at 7:17 and got an 81 sleep score! That's the best I've had all week! After Tony came down, he went to the gym but decided to just walk today. He wants to wait a couple more days to lift weights and give his neck a little more time to heal. SMART MAN!~

After he left, I got dressed and decided to make some more scrap cards. I took a few of my supplies downstairs and started cutting. Got all the card bases cut with the center's and outside pieces and then I cut a brunch of semi coordinating colors of DSP into 1/2 inch strips. Tony got home so I quit and made us some toast and 9 grain cereal and a smoothie for breakfast. Then he worked in his office, shredding old paperwork and getting things ready for our taxes. I went to my craft room and typed my mom a letter.  It was funny because I had just finished typing her letter and put it in the mailbox and I got a call from her. SWEET! She wanted Caden's address. I had sent it to her a while ago but she couldn't find it. She couldn't hear me or understand me on the phone so she finally just asked me to send it to Rick. I feel so bad that her hearing is pretty much gone now. I sent Rick the address and he said he would get it to her. He said they have to write everything for her now. 

At 3 this afternoon, Tony said he wanted to take me out so I could get out of the house for a break. He took me to SMOKEY MOUNTAIN PIZZA and at 3 o'clock, there was 2 people leaving and so we were the only ones there. 2 women came in after we'd started eating and they were seated several tables away from us so all was good. It was just nice to get out for a while. 

HOWEVER, my face is getting so darn fat from the prednisone medication! Look at that double chin! I hate it and can't wait to be off the stuff. It seriously gives me an appetite as well and it's so hard to stay away from food. I NEED WILL POWER!! 
None the less, dinner was good and we have left overs for tomorrow or Sunday. lol  
I checked my Amaryllis when I got home. I had cut off the top a few days ago and I believe it helped. I SEE GREEN!!  I just might get a flower yet!!  So excited!

I started assembling after we got home while we watched some HAWAII 5 0.

I got eleven of this style done. I quite like them and I love using up scraps!! So nice to finally start condensing!

I told Tony, it's my kind of puzzle! lol 
We are going to read and then hit the sack. Tony will be officiating the 7am session tomorrow morning, so to bed early tonight. I'll read while he's in bed. Gotta read to get tired and then maybe I will have another good nights sleep! 

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