Saturday, January 28, 2023


Tony was up and downstairs around 4:30 to eat and head to the temple.  Once he left, I started reading but couldn't keep my eyes open. Fell asleep for another hour and a half. Been pretty tired all day. I think all the sleepless night are finally catching up to me. Have had a sore throat as well today. Drank some hot chocolate and then have been gargling with Listerine. Hope it doesn't get worse. I finally got up and went up to dress for the day. I cut out some scrap paper to make pinwheel cards. 
I assembled them and then read some more. Fell asleep again.

Then I put a few more together. lol  When Tony got home around noon, I warmed up pizza and we ate lunch. He was tired too so we turned on a couple of movie's we thought we could sleep to. lol 
I did fall asleep for a short while during The Shack but not for long. Tony said he hadn't seen the PRIDE & PREJUDICE one and watched the whole thing. I was surprised. lol We turned on Hawaii  Five 0 after a while and finished watching a couple of episodes of that before we read our scriptures.

I made seven of these cards but not happy with the "Happy Birthday" sentiment . I did it with Versa Mark and embossing powder and I may try to fix it tomorrow. OR, just make some new ones. I really like the Pinwheel but will try it on a different card. 
Anyway, it was a lazy day and I hope the sore throat doesn't get worse. Time for bed and some rest.  (like that's all I did today...)

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