Wednesday, January 25, 2023


I got up at 6am this morning. Another fairly decent nights sleep! YAY!~ Tony came down around 8, ready to head to the gym. After he left, I went up to dress and finish my paper organizing!! 
Cream scraps in the top drawer, DSP in the 2nd, Black in the 3rd and more DSP in the fourth drawer. 

Then in my plastic drawers, MORE DSP, and two drawers of colored cardstock. 
I have a clear plastic container full of white scraps. 
Tony got home around 10. He only walked today. I made him some eggs and toast for breakfast. When he finished, we got BUSY!~
We have been wanting to organize our food storage. Tony got out two big tables and we started emptying the closets in the back room that hold the THRIVE freeze dried food. Unfortunately, we did discover we had pancake mix that had gone bad! The lid was bowed and after the experience I had with the baking powder a couple of years ago, we decided to toss it......

WE started putting things back in according to color and whether it was fruit, pasta, grains, etc....

AND, whala!!   It is sooooo much better! 

Then Tony, decided to open the Pancake mix. He took it outside and I was ready for a 
But, it didn't blow!!  Just a low fizz.....I was so disappointed!!   lol

We finished with the Game closet and the pantry in the kitchen. We were able to downsize the pantry (old stuff I'd had had when I was single) It made a lot more room in the Pantry and we were able to get it a lot more workable!  IT WAS A BIG JOB, and we were both exhausted when we finished! So at 4 o'clock, I made us a salad and some Lime Chicken Rice Pilaf from our food storage!!  lol It was pretty good! We watched a little TV while we ate and then watched some more TV. It was a busy day and an exhausting day but so glad we got things done!! We  decided the freezer is next on the to do list!  But not for a few days!!


Curtis and Deedra said...

Nice work! The food storage looks great.
Oh my goodness, I just noticed the old blue chest at the bottom. I didn't know Dad still had one of those! Cool!

Laverne said...

LOL, We NEVER get rid of anything!! lol