Tuesday, January 24, 2023


YAY, I managed to sleep 6 hours and 16 minutes last night. That's an improvement. Sleep score is still not that great but at least I'm getting more shuteye!  Tony had a dentist check up as well as an appointment with the chiropractor. So he went to the gym and walked, then to the dentist and then to get his neck and hip worked on. He has not been feeling well. He also had a doctor appointment yesterday about the prostrate and it was a bit elevated so has to get checked it another month. Hope that's not gonna be a problem.
When he left, I took a shower, dressed and then put a few more cards with scraps together. I also did 3 loads of laundry and baked some cookies. (I have got to get baking sweets....(not doing me any good)

We decided to mod podge the last puzzle he did and he will frame it. We plan to give it to Tammy for her birthday. She loves Sealife. 
When Tony got home from all his appointments, we ate lunch. I made tortilla pizza's again and a salad. Afterwards, while we watched TV, I separated ALL my scraps! I put all the white pieces in a drawer, ALL the black in another and then All the DSP (designer paper) in a drawer and all the colored cardstock in a drawer! It will be a lot easier to find things now and should make things better! I managed to get over 10,000 steps today!  That's a 1st in a long time. I got my results back from the last labs and some things are still high. I noticed I missed a call from the kidney doctor so will have to call tomorrow to see what he wanted. I don't know how I missed it ,but I did! I wonder if he wanted to go over the results with me.

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