Saturday, February 4, 2023


I got up  at 5am when Tony left this morning . I went down stairs and ate celery and peanut butter and read my book! Can't hardly put the darn thing down. lol I finally decided to go up to the craft room and work on the cards to get rid of the die cuts .

I only had four dinosaurs but I really like them.

A good card for a boy! 

I had several "Thanks a Latte" cups.... 
I don't drink coffee but I still like the die. lol
Pretend it's cocoa. 

I used pages from an old Reader's Digest book and my grunge stamp.
I like this one too!

I had a bunch of circles already cut out of scrap paper so I made flowers with them.

I like this one too. 
I finished these and then went down stairs to read till Tony got home. He changed and read the paper and I continued to read. Then around one o'clock, we decided to warm up the rest of the  chicken enchiladas and some chips and salsa. After eating, I took a short nap while we watched TV. I was tired.

After I woke up, I worked on some more Halloween cards. These aren't done but I've got a good start on them. I didn't do a whole lot today, but work on cards and read ... and nap!  lol
At least I got rid of some more of the die cuts, so I'm slowly whittling things down. I used a fair amount of scrap paper on the cards as well.  Gonna make myself a hot chocolate and watch Hawaii Five O till bedtime.

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