Sunday, February 5, 2023


Had such a good Sunday. Tony and I watched 
He then blessed and passed the Sacrament to me and after he left, I zoomed Sacrament meeting.   After I finished with the Zoom meeting, I was on FB. I saw this quote by Elder Holland. I loved it!  

I'm trying to wear the right Jersey!! 
It's a matter of enduring to the end!
When Tony got home, we went to pick up Joyce and go to Lynn's for dinner. Joyce brought an apple pie and ice-cream and we brought a bottle of sparkling cider.

Lynn made hamburger enchiladas. I have to be honest....not my favorite. I would have done them totally different and 
that they (meaning Joyce & Lynn) use. I know they bought it from a family member and they think it is the best meat EVER!  I disagree totally!  Maybe it's just me. Lynn gave me some a week or so ago and I made chili out of it and I still didn't like it. It was easier to eat because of all the spices I cook with the burger but I could still taste the taste! lol Maybe it would have been better IF she had browned it with taco seasoning and broken it down to smaller pieces, but she did not.  Just BIG CHUNCKS of burger.  Then she used salad (arugula and spinach)  I would have used romaine or regular ice-burg.  She used white cheese and it would have been fine IF there had been some cheddar as well. She had whole cherry tomatoes (I would have cut them in pieces but would have probably used Roma's.) Her sauce was homemade but it was pretty much tomato sauce with hot peppers in it. lol I like corn tortilla's but she didn't cook them, we just dipped them in the sauce and then piled the toppings on it. I love enchiladas and I'm definitely going to make them one day soon...MY WAY!  lol  Tony was the only one who cleaned up his plate and she sent us home with leftovers. 
It's ALL HIS! lol 

We went in the living room and watched UNSHAKEN. It was soooo good! Todays' was on Satan tempting the Savior when he was fasting for 40 days. He explained the 3 ways Satan tried to temp Jesus and then said it's the same ways he tries to temp us. 
1st: Stones to Bread which equals lusts of the flesh 
2nd: Leap from the temple which equals Pride
3rd: Earthly Kingdoms which equals worldliness or materialism
It all made so much sense!  He is so smart and can explain things so well. After we finished, we went to the kitchen and had.....

pie and ice-cream. Then we played a few rounds of Mexican Train. We came home and I am going to finish my book while Tony is on the phone with his cousin. Then we'll read and head to bed. Got a few appointments tomorrow!

Decided I couldn't go to bed without finishing these 7 Halloween cards!

They are done! Still have a bunch of Halloween cups so will figure out another card sometime this week! lol

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