Wednesday, February 22, 2023


Don't know if I was anxious about attending the temple this morning, BUT I didn't sleep very well last night. However, I got up at 6AM and turned on the oven so I could bake some of the Bran Muffin's for breakfast before we left at 7:45.

I made a dozen and I think I'll have to give some away! lol  The recipe makes a ton.  NOT that we have to cook or eat them all at once but after breakfast, we still had eight so I sent Tony over to Joyce's with the remainder. She has Cindy and Ty coming tonight so they might like them in the morning for breakfast!

It was a cloudy day and about 23* when we left. I seriously thought we might see snow when we got out BUT, we didn't!  Such a beautiful sight!!  I couldn't believe all the construction of homes and apartments I saw on the way to the temple. I can't believe all the changes that have happened since December of last year!!  Probably the end of November even!  All I know is it has been 

It was sunny when we finished! It was wonderful to see and hear the changes! I absolutely loved it! I am anxious to work on Saturday. I was really tired after ONE session but hope my strength continues to get better as I serve. I am going to go to the gym with Tony tomorrow and just walk. I hope I can do it with out too much trouble. I still get very winded but LOOK AT ME!!  The medication has done wonders for my heath issue BUT it sure hasn't helped my appearance!!  YUCK!!

BUT, then I have to remember this!!  I should count my blessing and not worry about the other things. I will eventually get back to what I was. I just need to get healthy first!!

AND remember what is really important!!  
It was such a blessing to be here this morning and to feel of the Spirit of the temple. There is seriously NOTHING BETTER!~
We came home and Tony changed and went to the gym. He did weight and the whole thing today so I stayed home and read my book. He said I could go and walk and then sit and read BUT, I know I would be explaining what's happened to me to all sorts of people and I just didn't want to go through that today!
When he got home, I made us each a bowl of 
for lunch. I LOVE THESE little dinners!
Easy and delicious!!

Of course, I had to bake us some cookies for dessert!!  LOL  
BAD GIRL!!  And why do I complain about my size....I do it to myself!!  GRRRRR
Tony has now gone to his Mom's to help her get her taxes organized so I am fixing a shirt of his and then I'm going down to read and take it easy the remainder of the day! 


Curtis and Deedra said...

Yay! I'm so glad you were able to get back to the temple finally! I like that quote to count your blessings instead of everything else. So true!

Those cookies look delicious! I am my own worse enemy too, buying or making treats a lot. Or just eating too much! I find myself eating even when I'm not hungry, grrr. I need to stop that!

Laverne said...

I KNOW!!! I'm not helping either me or Tony!! Gotta get back to KETO!!