Sunday, May 5, 2024

SUNDAY HUB's is gone!

It was an interesting sky this morning, as we drove to church. Those clouds are so strange looking. 

We picked up Joyce and she brought one of her bouquets of flowers to put on the side of the pulpit because she wanted to share.
 So sweet of her!

I took a picture of her with the bouquet she brought.  She got 4 different bouquets from kids and grandkids for her 96th birthday. This was from her daughter in law Kim. 
This one from her daughter Cindy & family.

This one from Lona and kids.

This was from Jethlynn, her granddaughter.
 We enjoyed church and then we thought we were going to have choir practice, but there was just a handful of us that were there for the practice so, Lisa sent us home. Tony was OK with that because he wanted to get a good start on his trip to Lewiston. I hurried and changed and made enchilada's. They were so good. I'm tempted to make more while Tony is gone but I probably won't. lol After we ate, he finished loading the truck and off he went. Me and the 2 ladies watched 4 episodes of THE CHOSEN. Both of them fell asleep in at least part of it. When we finished, I sent them both home with some lasagna. Joyce had left one of the bouquet's at church and asked if I would get it and bring it home. I told her I couldn't get it by myself or it would tip and make a mess. I said I was going to visit my friend, Lorna, and she could go with me. She agreed. We drove to the church and picked up the flowers and then drove to Lorna's. My friend and 1st  counselor (when I was RS President in Boise) was visiting Lorna. We had a great visit. Lorna is doing pretty well for having a double mastectomy. I will go back and visit her another day this week but I sure enjoyed seeing JoAnn and her husband Mike. Joyce & I stayed about 45 minutes and then we left.  After dropping her off at home, I came in and watched a couple of movies. Tony called me at 9 o'clock and we read scriptures together. I've got a busy week planned while he is gone so I'm headed up to shower and go to bed.  It's been a good day! 

Just a funny we can relate to. At dinner today, I gave the women a rice pudding (our favorite) Tony told them that we love them and we used to buy them at Winco but discovered they sell them in a 12 pack at Walmart and it is a much better buy. The women said they were so good and then Lynn asked, "Where do you get them?"   LOL
It frustrates Tony so much. He says she doesn't listen to him. 

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