Monday, October 14, 2024


Sunday, was my day to teach Relief Society and I knew I wanted to be to Alivia's farewell (which was during our RS meeting time) so 3 weeks ago, I asked Effie Dickerson if she would be willing to teach my class for me. BLESS HER HEART~! 
She did! We were able to go to our Sacrament meeting and then we left to go to Alivia's ward. 

 I have been trying so hard as of late, to think about the importance of the Sacrament. We have been reading in our nightly studies about the Savior implementing the Sacrament in the America's when he visited the Nephites after His resurrection.  I am trying harder to think and ponder of Him who sacrificed Himself for us. I love my Savior and I want to honor Him more as I partake of these holy emblems.
After leaving our building, we went to the Smith Building and I was able to partake again. Such a blessing.

After the Sacrament, Alivia was the 1st speaker. She's the newest Missionary in her ward and the young man who spoke after her, just returned.  Alivia did a fabulous job! Her testimony is strong!! She is definitely ready to serve the people in Colorado. 

After the meeting, we got our picture with Livi. Her best friend is from Tonga and made her the beautiful Lei she is wearing. I love it. We hurried home and I was going to make a Quiche for dinner.  However, it was noon and we were supposed to be at their home for an open house at 1 o'clock. I just didn't have the time to make the Quiche,  SO, I threw a Motor City Pizza in the oven and cut up some apples to eat with caramel sauce. It was just fine!! We still didn't make it to the Cleaver's till 1:20 but it worked out great. We were the last to leave. lol  After getting home, Tony was dead tired because he stayed up till 1am on Sunday morning because he and his mom watched the BSU game. I wanted to, but I overdid it in the garden on Saturday and I was extremely tired and SORE!! At one point, before he went over to his mother's, I was sitting with a heating pad on my back and a blanket over me and I got the shakes SO BAD!! Tony covered me up with two more blankets and for some reason, I could not stop shaking. He then made me a cup of HOT CHOCOLATE and my body finally settled down. It was weird. It scared us both! 
Sunday night after we had rested, we called Alivia Erwin to find out the particulars of the upcoming shelling trip.  Then after visiting with her, we got out our suitcases and started packing. We aren't done but we decided to go to bed at 9:20. Earliest we have in a long time. lol We were both needing rest. We got up this morning and Tony went to the gym. I cleaned my house. 
When Tony gets home, we are going to finish cleaning the garden out. Thank goodness he is going to help me. You wouldn't think digging potatoes and picking squash was a big deal but it did a number on me. Then we'll mow the lawns before our trip and finish packing and loading the car. We are heading out right after his dermatology appointment tomorrow. I can't wait to get to Florida! It is going to be so fun looking for shells!  FUN FUN FUN!!
When people have asked us why we are going to Florida, we say,

Tony got home from the gym and decided to go directly to his mom's to do her lawn.  I got my house cleaning done. All dusted and vacuumed. Floors mopped, toilets cleaned, AND then I went out and started on our lawn. Tony can work circles around me!! He came home and edged and mowed Joyce's lawn and winterized it. He did the same at his mom's. I was just finishing up our lawn and he edged and winterized ours! THEN, we dug up the rest of the potatoes, except for the sweet potatoes. They are kinda hid by the flowers and not exactly sure where. lol We decided to leave the flowers till we get back from Florida, so the sweet potatoes will wait too! I came in and made potato soup with the Ukon Gold one's he sliced with the shovel. Then we ate dinner and got showered and finished packing. I wrapped Christmas gifts for Derek, Heather & Colby that we'll deliver on the 24th.  We loaded the car and we are good to go in the morning.  I won't be posting till I get back from Florida AND then I'll have a ton of pictures and experiences!!  YAHOO!!~ 

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