Monday, April 26, 2010


Had a funny and not so funny thing happen to me in Texas!

I have to share ................
I got up one morning and took a shower. I forgot to take my shampoo in the shower with me but I noticed a number of hair products on the window shelf (in the shower) above my head. I was squinting to see which one was shampoo. I saw ... (OK, thought I saw) a lady with long golden blonde hair on one of the bottles SO I took it down and proceeded to wash my hair.

I thought to myself, "This shampoo doesn't suds up a lot, must be one of those expensive kinds like I've seen on TV" .............

Ha ha, jokes on me! After I got out dried off and put my glasses on this is what I SEE !!


The not so funny thing (NOT AT ALL) is:

After our picnic in the park we decided to stop at Wal-Mart and rent a movie at Red Box. I went to get out of the truck and my camera fell out of my purse and I stepped on it and cracked the LCD. I can still take pictures but cannot focus on my subject or delete or ANYTHING!!
I was so disgusted with myself.

Princess let me use her old one till I get mine fixed or replaced.

I took it to Idaho Camera last night and am waiting on a quote.


David and Amanda said...

I laughed so hard at your "shampoo" story!! The dog did have some nice looking hair!

That is tragic about your camera...what a bummer I am so sorry!!

Stillman and Michelle said...

SOOOO SAD! I loved your pictures of Tristan, that hair is gorgeous.

Jill and Scott said...

Sorry about your camera, but on the bright side... your coat has never been so shiny! LOL! Tick free is a good thing!

Curtis and Deedra said...

LOL about the shampoo. Sorry about your camera! Hope it doesn't cost too much to fix.

Christa said...

You are hilarious! :) Hope your camera is a quick and cheep fix!

Unknown said...

Ditto to all the other comments!!! :) That shampoo thing is toooooo funny... and I hope you can find a nice replacement camera soon (or a nice, cheap, repair quote)! LOVE the pics of the littlest cutie in the family!!! :) Tristan is adorable, and his mommy is beautiful!!! :) We're so happy for them!!! :)

ChrisandTamara said...

That is so funny! I had a great laugh this morning. Thanks for sharing. Sorry about the camera though - that stinks. Hope it can get fixed.