Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I went to Kuna after work today to wish Traci a Happy Birthday! They had just returned from going to dinner with some friends and shortly after I got there the home teachers came ........ hence the pictures of the strangers to all of us ...lol
I didn't really get a picture of Traci opening her gift but I got Sophia (and one Home Teacher and his granddaughter)

Isabel and Andrew with the "Ever Present Binky" And Traci and Jason in the rear!

I popped the Binky out of Andrew's mouth and he gave me a cheesy smile and then grabbed the Binky and popped in right back in!

And Caden and Isabel clowning around as I was leaving!
It was a short visit but I enjoyed seeing the kids and I got home taught too!
What more can a mother ask for! lol


Curtis and Deedra said...

I didn't know Traci's birthday was this month. Happy birthday to her! Bet they are enjoying being back in their home. It looks nice!

CPTA said...

the house looks great! the kids are growing up so fast.. man we've gotta get up there and see them soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christa said...

I love Andrew's grin after you took his binkie :) Hope you had a fun day with them all!

Jill and Scott said...

I can't believe how big the kids are getting? Ugh, I feel old! LOL! Glad you got to go out and visit!