Sunday, November 28, 2010


Well, all my previous plans of going to Montana for Thanksgiving and my Dad's 90th birthday party were blown away in blizzard conditions that took place ALL over the northwest!

My backup plan was to spend it with the McGregor's in the early hours and the Norton's in the evening! Caden was going to go with me to Montana and was quite disappointed when our plans were dashed due to road closures etc! I made it up to him by having him come over after I got off work on Wednesday night. His dad dropped him off around 5:30 and he and I went and bought some ice melt for the office and went back and sprinkled it on the front steps. (Don't need any more worker's comp accidents) After that we went and bought a few items for the relish tray and sweet potato souffle I was assigned to bring the following day and then we went to Golden Corral for dinner. We went back to my house for a couple of movies. He enjoyed himself and it was a nice time for me to tell him how special he is.

Thanksgiving Day we drove to Traci and Jason's and all the other kids wanted to ride with me to Ann and Dan's so I loaded them up and away we went to the farm. While waiting for dinner and the other guests to arrive the kids snacked on the relish tray and played with Traci's new I PAD. (Pretty awesome gadget!)

Andrew giving me his cheesy grin! So cute!

We had a very nice dinner. Turkey and all the fixings! You know how ya feel after a meal like that? Well, it hit Andrew and he passed out! While he slept the other kids prepared a play for us!

Written by Caden McGregor and performed by Caden, Sophia and Isabel

It was so cute. They had made masks and capes and they all had names (which I cannot remember now!

After the show Isabel laid down with Andrew and slept for a bit herself. They are so good to settle down and nap when they are tired. Andrew likes to touch skin when he sleeps so as soon
as she laid down by him he reached out and put his arm on her shoulder.

While these two slept the other two cleaned up from their skit, Ann and Dan went out to do their chores (feed and water all their horses) and Traci showed me things on her IPod and her IPad. Then we made plans to go to see a movie. We decided on MEGAMIND!

It was pretty cute and we all enjoyed it. After leaving the theater, the kids headed home and I headed to Curtis and Deedra's. It was around 8:30 when I got to their home and I really thought all the family would still be there playing games and watching movies. Unfortunately, the kids had all dispersed and so I just visited with Curtis, Deedra and the kids.

Jack is always in a photogenic mood! He likes to have his picture taken and then wants to looks at the camera!

Garrett was in a very attentive Gramma mood and I loved it! He wanted to play and talk and we had a good time together!

Deedra and Nikki were showing me a package for someone very very special!

The boys posed again with each other. Garrett got quite a kick out of the bear on Jacks head!

It was a great day and I am thankful for all my loved ones. Those I got to see and those I didn't. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

SATURDAY: I didn't go out for Black Friday this year. I actually enjoyed staying home, sleeping in and staying warm! About 10AM Deedra did come over and then the two of us drove to Boise to check out some deals there. OF COURSE, it turned out that if you didn't get up and go early, you were were plum outta luck! We then went back to Nampa and shopped a bit at Wal-Mart and had lunch together. I then went home and got dinner ready for my brother and his wife who were driving home from Montana and heading to California with a stop over at our house.

Dave and Janet got here about 3:30 and they were exhausted. It was a long drive and the conditions were miserable. They hit a dog at Burley and the front bumper was damaged pretty bad! However, I think they felt worse about the dog. They love animals!! Dave got some duck tape and repaired his car the best he could.

Janet gave me the place setting that Donna had made for Thanksgiving dinner in Montana. It was like the ones Deedra and the kids made last year (I believe) Soooo cute!

Traci and Jason and kids came over for dinner too. They are very close to Dave and Janet and wanted to see them. After dinner, us girls took the kids and went to the Karcher Mall. The girls wanted to shop at Bath and Body Works. They also got to sit on Santa's lap and get their picture taken and later Sophia informed me that Santa had bad breath! lol

The men stayed at home and Dave got a little shut eye. We then watched the BSU game but Dave couldn't stay up to see the sad ending. He had to go to bed. It was a disappointing game


Andrew kept Uncle Dave busy while he was still awake!

After Dave did this once, Andrew kept saying "DO IT AGAIN!"

The girls took lessons from Aunt Janet who it the Ultimate Cheerleader!!

And then performed for us at commercials!

Then Dave tried his hand (or should I say back) at tossing Isabel like he did Andrew! As little as she is it was still too much for ole Uncle Dave! lol Once was all she got! lol

Caden, fell asleep while the rest of us lamented the outcome of the game!

Dave went to bed and Janet tried to hide whenever the camera went her direction!

The game went into overtime, it was late, we were trying to be quite as to NOT wake up Dave and the 3 younger ones decided they had had enough too!
Dave and Janet left at 4:30 AM Saturday morning and it took them 13 hours to get home to Manteca and they had to chain up a couple of times! SNOW ALL THE WAY FROM MARSING TILL AFTER DONNER PASS! Sometimes they could only go 30 miles an hour! They were so glad to get home and out of the car!!

All in all it was a GREAT Thanksgiving Weekend. It had it's ups and downs but I am thankful we are all safe, loved and happy!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Looks/sounds fun! I love that Dave wears suspenders- reminds me of good ol grandpa! :0)