Friday, January 21, 2011


I've been working all week (which proved to be a good thing since Tony has been ill) but he is finally starting to feel like doing something and it's FRIDAY!!
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we stayed home and watched movies in the evening while he rested and tried to get over his cold. Yesterday, he was feeling OK and he had an appointment at Dr. Glaettli's at 3:30. I've been leaving work around 2:30 or 3 all week so I went with him and we both ended up getting an adjustment! Afterwards, we drove into Boise and dropped my ring off at Simmon's to be fixed. (I have a couple of prongs that are smooshed together) and then we went to Deseret Book and SeaGull Book and he made a purchase.
Then we ate dinner at GoodWood! Yum :-)

We then went to Costco and he bought 3 new shirts and then to Wal-Mart for some cold medication.

We were on our way home and I called Colby and Krista to see if we could drop by so Tony could see their new apartment. We did and had a good visit with the kids!
After getting home, I downloaded his camera and we placed an order at Costco Photo. He is suppose to take back photo's to some of his co-workers!
I am only working 1/2 day today so when I get off we are going to the Temple with Art and Lynn and Bob and Joyce. Maybe dinner and a movie later!
YAY! I've been dying to get out and do some fun things while he's home!

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