Thursday, March 17, 2011


I guess Alex really liked the surprise party for Aunt Tammy because he asked for one for himself! SO, Mom and Dad planed one for him tonight. (The party he knows about is tomorrow and it's a sleep over with his cousins!) Gramma Donna took him to Jumpin Jungle (I think that's the name) so the rest of us could get to the house while they were gone. We hid out in the kitchen and when he came in we all yelled Happy Birthday and blew party whistles and a couple of guys popped open those thingies that confetti come out of.

Well, it worked! We scared the heck out of two little boys!! Hence, Gramma Donna consoling Jayden and Mom consoling Alex!!
After he gained his composure, Alex was all smiles!!
He went right to opening presents. A couple of kites, some clothes, a back pack from Build a Bear with a C3PO costume in it for his monkey .................................BUT....................

Nothing can compare with the Iron man costume he got from Gramma and Grandpa Lipsh!

That was ONE HAPPY 6 YEAR OLD!!!

Here he is trying to figure out how to put the hand on ...................

A ha!! I got it! Back off, this thing is powerful!!

And now for the whole kit and caboodle!

It was fun surprising Alex! I think he was pretty thrilled! Hope his sleep over goes as well!
Happy Birthday Alex! We love you! (Oh, he's our Little Leprechaun, thus the green!!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it!!! :) He's so cute! Glad you got such fun pics! :)