Friday, July 22, 2011


Pam called me on Monday and said she was at McCall waiting for Robert and Michelle to show up. They were coming from the Berezay Family Reunion and they were going to meet up with Pam and Family and do some camping. (Pam didn't make it to the reunion this year)
She then asked if we could meet up on Thursday night for a BBQ at her house. I agreed and then called Traci and family and Jill and family. Neither one could do it Thursday night so we changed the plans to Friday night.

It was great to visit with Robert and Michelle ....... I didn't really get a chance to (other than a hi and bye) at the reunion. We talked about their family and their home in Hawaii. They invited us over for a visit ANYTIME!! Gonna have to do that one of these days! Pam said they are awesome hosts and they have a small........ 6 BEDROOM HOME on the big island!! lol
Scotlyn was entertaining as ever!!!!
And Hawkins wasn't to be out done!!!
So Scotlyn gave me her kissy model face ........
Then Andrew pulled (and I mean P U L L E D .......) this face!!!
Pam gave the kids treats!!! Good stuff from CANADA!! (She pulled me aside and gave me some sugar too!!!) DELICIOUS!! If I'd have know I was going to get it for free at Pam's house, I could have saved myself lots of money at the reunion auction!! lol
(No, I'd still have spent it!~!~ It went for a great cause!)
Trying to get a picture of Robert was difficult so Megan held him down till I got the job done!!
Way to go Megan!!

Sharing video's, pictures and stories!!

Just visiting on the patio and having a GREAT DINNER!

Jill was concerned about Scotlyn eating her dinner like this so she asked her if she wanted to turn around and use the chair behind her for a table?

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT??" lol She didn't really say that , ...... but that's what it looks like! ha ha ha

Jerry and Robert grilled up some gooooood chicken and these WONDERFUL sausages !! I asked Pam what kind they were and guess where she got them from???
You guessed it!! CANADA!! Guess I won't be havin any of those again real soon!
Gonna have to send her with a shopping list next time she makes a Canadian Run!
And Scotlyn's hair was a hoot on the trampoline! It would get so full of static, it would stand straight up!

Robert showed us pictures of their home in Hawaii. They live on the BIG ISLAND!!
Pam got shy little Isabel to sit on her lap and they had a good ole time!
These three had a GREAT time together on the trampoline!!

Thanks Pam for arranging such a great get together!! It was good to see everyone!

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