Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I came home at lunch time and went out to the garden and picked about
15 big red tomatoes!
I already had a big bowl full in the fridge that I'd picked last week. The 1st big batch I'd picked a couple of weeks ago was made into spaghetti sauce and we ate spaghetti for a week so I knew I had to do something different with them!! ( Unless your Russ Storey and can eat spaghetti at every meal... lol)
so I decided to just can them . Will use them in stews and soups this winter.I got 9 quarts and hope to can more in another week or so.


CPTA said...

I would LOVE for you to teach me how to do this! Looks great! My Grandma used to can a lot of her fruits and veggies, but like I knew what she was doing back then. LOL

Curtis and Deedra said...

I don't know how to make homemade spaghetti sauce. I need to learn that! I did learn how to can tomatoes this year though.